Kaswari™ is a wellness ecology brand. Kaswari™ Misty Mountains/Wet Tropics is a boutique development of five luxury villas centred upon an intricate edible garden, served by Kaswari™.


By "better ecology, better life" we envision a sanctuary that has four constituent ecologies:


First, every Kaswari™-designed boutique development is to be centred upon an edible garden. Such an edible garden shall be designed and operated based on ecological principles, so-called permaculture principles. Biodiversity is a necessary component. As we talk to the garden it communicates back to us. Plant and animal ecology is the first, most concrete ecology.


Second, we design for an information ecology. That is, whilst the many species of plants we cultivate talk to each other, and talk to the soil, and talk to the elements, we human guests aim to join that conversation. We embrace technology to utilise sensors and other leading-edge diagnostics to understand and interpret the life signals of the biological unit of the edible garden. We will employ informatics to keep this life system at its fullest, and correspondingly help users establish a deep sense of place, and a deep sense of 'now' for remote users to dip into on-demand with data visualisation.


Third, we are enhancing spiritual ecology. The paradox we face today is that if we desire simplicity, we can't just be simple. Unfortunately, modern life is not as simple as that. Often, we have to contend with complexity, and overcome many hurdles in order to achieve simplicity. A cluttered room left untouched remains 'complex.' No invisible hand will empty the bin, or sweep the floors, or make the bed. For the room to be clean, it takes a plan, it takes the gumption to leave behind that former state, and it takes will. That's the only way that complex becomes simple. Kaswari’s™ vision is to foster a spiritual ecology for users such that touchpoints are imbued with technology, amenity, and luxury (i.e. more of more) but intermixed with serenity, quiet, and the elements of retreat (i.e. more of less). A consciousness of the ecological debt we accrue in our other lives is important, Kaswari™ is not only concerned with whole person wellness, but with environmental stewardship as a key component of whole person wellness—thinking of one’s lifetime net ecological surplus as a tangible asset.


Fourth, is cultural ecology. Kaswari™ will build environmentally conscious, aesthetically pleasing built environments. Of course, the flora and fauna are star actors. But we shan’t forget the humans. Kaswari™ is not a farm. Quantity, efficiency and yield are low priorities in any of our organic production. What are priorities—in fact the highest of priorities—are the educational, experiential, culinary, nutritional, and health and wellness-based growth of the humans and families who are part of our communities. Cultural ecology means introducing indigenous elements to the universal; it means harmonising the local with the global; it means arranging cross-cultural elements, all with a view towards depth, and quality of experience.


Kaswari™ by "better ecology, better life," presents to the market a unique offering: a legacy asset of a professionally managed second home centred upon an edible garden that pays perpetual dividends in health and wellness.

“What I do is the opposite of building walls. I build bridges. A bridge is something that connects instead of separating.” -Santiago Calatrava

“What I do is the opposite of building walls. I build bridges. A bridge is something that connects instead of separating.” -Santiago Calatrava



The Backstory of Kaswari™:


On many counts, our modern lives are better than ever. We are richer. We are living longer. We hold in our pockets orders of magnitude the computing power of the Apollo Space program. Our desires are not tempered by time or space, as e-commerce and on-demand are ubiquitous, and legions of smart people work to shave seconds and clicks from an increasingly frictionless consumer lifestyle. 


But we are lonelier. Our attention is fragmented. We struggle to focus. Our mental health needs improvement. The march of automation disintermediates us from tactile feedback--from a very sensory equilibrium our forebears took for granted. And as we are overstimulated digitally, we are understimulated naturally. Despite all manner of social media, we are less connected. Everywhere we can consume, and 'like,' and ping, and text, and zoom, but we are no better than our ancestors at finding meaning.


Sometimes less is more. Sometimes more is more. At Kaswari™ we have a different philosophy. We believe that sometimes what we really want is more of less.


We want to reconnect with nature. We want unscheduled time. We want serendipity. We want the sound of the river. We want to gaze at the stars. We yearn for moments to contemplate, to bathe in the forest, to have the permission to indulge a fleeting curiosity, to take a random walk. We want a counterpoint to the irony and cynicism of modern life. We want sincerity. We want to pick a ripe dragonfruit right off the vine. We want to listen, with no noise. We wish to understand, with no commentary. We wish to pause, with no editorialising.


The complement we seek to our quantified, structured, everyday lives, is not periodic escapism, no. We want, if only for a moment, for time to stop. We wish for a sanctuary—a place where we can act out the opposite—a place where we can witness the wonder of the natural world in microcosm, where we can be more engaged than ever in our often neglected qualitative, and unstructured selves.


What's important in a sanctuary is not aggregation; what's important is curation. We believe: "better ecology, better life," and we dream for a timeless sanctuary.